Order Cancellation
We’re sorry to hear that you need to cancel your order. If you’d like to cancel your order before it ships, please follow these steps:
1.Send Us an Email: Drop us a line at deljonnescompany@gmail.com with your order number and cancellation request.
2.Subject Line: Use “Order Cancellation Request” in the subject line to help us assist you faster.
3.Details Needed: In your email, include any additional details or reasons for the cancellation if you wish, though it's not required.
Please Note: We can only process cancellations before the order has been shipped. Once your order is on its way, we won’t be able to cancel it.
1.Send Us an Email: Drop us a line at deljonnescompany@gmail.com with your order number and cancellation request.
2.Subject Line: Use “Order Cancellation Request” in the subject line to help us assist you faster.
3.Details Needed: In your email, include any additional details or reasons for the cancellation if you wish, though it's not required.
Please Note: We can only process cancellations before the order has been shipped. Once your order is on its way, we won’t be able to cancel it.